IN THIS EDITION… Company News T & N awarded Kusile Roof Sheeting Contract Project News Medupi ducting gets painted How well do you know Southeys? Southey turns 75 Safety Cape Town ‘handle’ a safety issue Gauteng awarded 5 NOSA Stars Quality How to access the QA documentation Training Progress…
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Home > Project Bravo
Category: Project Bravo
- 5 Star grading
- 53 Galaxy Road
- Abdul Hendricks
- Agricultural Knives
- Andre Bekker
- Andries Ntshangase
- Annual Awards
- Appointment Opportunity at Southey
- Apprenticeship
- Archie McKinnon Floating Trophy site supervisor West Coast
- Asbestos Handling
- Asbestos Removal
- AVGAS Tanks
- Award
- Ben Garrad
- Best attitude Award
- Big 6 Coal Fired Power Stations
- Billy Marais
- Blasting
- Brand Alive
- Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
- Catherine Pule
- CBI Manufacturers
- Cherry Picker
- Chris Sebastian
- Chris Wilson
- Chrome Hunter
- Cladding
- Cleaning
- Cleaning contracts
- Client Liason Manager
- client satisfaction award
- CNC controlled plasma cutter
- Coating
- Company News
- Concord Refrigeration
- Confined Space
- Construction Supervisor
- Contract Manager's Champion in Admin Section Award
- Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
- Corrosion
- Corrosion Institute
- Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa
- Corrosion Prevention
- Customer Service
- Danie Mathee
- dehumidifiers
- Deli Kheswa
- Diepsloot
- Diesel tanks
- Discretionary Grant
- Disneyland Pre School
- Dormac
- Duvha Power Station
- Egmont Dennyschen
- Electricians
- Elias Moloi
- Employee of the Year – as voted for by staff
- Engineering
- Epoxy
- Eskom
- Evacuation Warden
- Excellence in Safety Award
- Farewell
- Filtration Material
- Fire Equipment Inspection
- Fire Fighting
- First Aid
- First Aid Level 1 & 2
- Floor Coating
- Forklift Drivers
- Francois van Eeden
- Frikkie Kotze
- Fuel tanks
- Gary Hodgson
- Group 5 Enza JV
- Hand Injury
- Harness Inspector
- Harold Sass
- Heidelberg
- Hennie Viljoen
- Henny Viljoen
- Hitachi Power Africa
- Hoist Operator
- HP Division Champion Award
- HP High Pressure
- I.T. at Southey
- Incident Investigation
- Induction Process
- Industrial Cleaning
- Industrial Painting
- Industrial Theatre
- Insulation
- Internal Audits
- International Standards Organisation
- Irvin Andrea
- ISO 14000
- ISO 9000-2008
- Isomolders
- Jimmy Sands
- Johan Steyn
- John Ryall
- Keith Heagies
- Kendal
- Kentz
- Kevin Slabbert
- Know Southey Staff
- Koeberg Nuclear Power Station
- Komati Power Station
- Kusile
- Kyle Nash
- Lagging
- Leap Maths and Science Schools
- Leap Science and Maths School
- Learnership
- Legal
- Legal Liability
- Level 4
- Linbro
- Long Service Award
- Lorette van der Watt
- Lorraine Lenton
- Lost Time Injury LTI
- Malcolm Mountford
- Mandatory Grant
- Manufacturing
- Mark van Eijden
- Martin Bakker
- MD's Best Employee
- Mechanics
- Medical Treatment Case MTC
- Medupi
- merSETA
- Metal Workers Strike
- Morgan Lucas
- Most difficult contract award
- Most well run contract award
- Nicci Burger
- NMPP New Multipurpose Pipeline Project
- No Bullshit Award
- non-compliance
- non-conformance
- Offshore Contracts
- Okapi
- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
- OSHA 18000
- Paint stripping agent
- panel manufacturer
- Parkhomes
- Petrochem
- Petrol tanks
- Polyurethane
- Power Generation
- Power Stations
- Pressure vessels
- Project Bravo
- Project Management
- Project News
- Project of the Year Award
- Pumps
- QP112
- Quality
- Quality Assurance
- Quality Control
- Quality Management System
- Quality Policy
- R.J. Southey Properties
- Rail Coach
- Refineries
- Ricardo Carolus
- Road Safety
- Roof Sheeting
- Roofing
- Rope Access
- Rowaydah Khan
- Rudnev
- Safe Workplace Practice SWP CHEVRON
- Safety
- Safety Management Standard
- Safety Manager
- Safety Officer
- safety representative
- Safety systems
- Sansie van Niekerk
- Scaffold Erectors
- Scaffolding
- Secunda
- senior safety officer
- Sharepoint server
- SHE Rep
- Sheeting
- Sheetmetal workshop
- Ship Repairers
- Sigma Coatings
- Skills Development Levy SDL
- South African Corrosion Institute
- Southey – DRC
- Southey Angola
- Southey Company Knowledge
- Southey Contracting
- Southey Contracting – Africa
- Southey Contracting – Cape
- Southey Durban
- Southey Gauteng
- Southey Holdings
- Southey Holdings (Pty) Ltd
- Southey in Cape Town
- Southey in Durban
- Southey in Richard's Bay
- Southey ISO 14000 EMS
- Southey ISO 9001-2008 MS
- Southey Metal Spray
- Southey Offshore
- Southey Oman
- Southey Sound Newsletter Edition 9
- Southey Sound Newsletter Editions
- Southey Staff News
- Southey Tanzania
- Southey Zambia
- SPE Automated Blasting Units
- Stacking & Storage
- Stoncor
- Sub-contractor
- Sue O'Brien
- Supervisor Generic Training
- Surface Coating
- Surface Coatings
- Surface Prepping
- Tate & Nicholson
- Tate & Nicholson Roofing BRT Stations
- Temporary Suspended Platform TSP
- Thermal Imaging
- Thermal Insulation
- Thinking out the Box Award
- Toxic Waste
- Traffic Fines
- Training
- Training Room
- TRANSNET Facility
- Trevor Kolbee
- Trudy Kritzinger
- TSA Thermal Spray Aluminium
- turbine
- UHP Ultra High Pressure
- Uncategorized
- Vacuum units
- Valchem
- Vernon Worship
- Wanda Brooks
- Wanderers Club
- Water Blasting
- Welders
- West Africa
- What is that at Southey?
- What's happening at Southey in Cape Town?
- What's Happening at Southey in Durban?
- What's happening at Southey Jameson Park?
- What's happening at Southey's Power Station Contracts?
- What's happening at Southey's Sheeting Division?
- Wilma Bam
- Wind Guards
- Witbank
- Working at Height
- Yves Le Gorjus Cup for all round excellence