IN THIS EDITION… Company News Cape Division Celebrate in Style at their awards evening Southeys dominate at the Corrosion Institute Project of the Year Awards Project News Innovative Solution applied to Rail Coach Did You Know? Southey information Safety Focus on Road Safety Training News from the Training Room …
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Home > MD's Best Employee
Category: MD’s Best Employee
- 5 Star grading
- 53 Galaxy Road
- Abdul Hendricks
- Agricultural Knives
- Andre Bekker
- Andries Ntshangase
- Annual Awards
- Appointment Opportunity at Southey
- Apprenticeship
- Archie McKinnon Floating Trophy site supervisor West Coast
- Asbestos Handling
- Asbestos Removal
- AVGAS Tanks
- Award
- Ben Garrad
- Best attitude Award
- Big 6 Coal Fired Power Stations
- Billy Marais
- Blasting
- Brand Alive
- Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
- Catherine Pule
- CBI Manufacturers
- Cherry Picker
- Chris Sebastian
- Chris Wilson
- Chrome Hunter
- Cladding
- Cleaning
- Cleaning contracts
- Client Liason Manager
- client satisfaction award
- CNC controlled plasma cutter
- Coating
- Company News
- Concord Refrigeration
- Confined Space
- Construction Supervisor
- Contract Manager's Champion in Admin Section Award
- Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
- Corrosion
- Corrosion Institute
- Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa
- Corrosion Prevention
- Customer Service
- Danie Mathee
- dehumidifiers
- Deli Kheswa
- Diepsloot
- Diesel tanks
- Discretionary Grant
- Disneyland Pre School
- Dormac
- Duvha Power Station
- Egmont Dennyschen
- Electricians
- Elias Moloi
- Employee of the Year – as voted for by staff
- Engineering
- Epoxy
- Eskom
- Evacuation Warden
- Excellence in Safety Award
- Farewell
- Filtration Material
- Fire Equipment Inspection
- Fire Fighting
- First Aid
- First Aid Level 1 & 2
- Floor Coating
- Forklift Drivers
- Francois van Eeden
- Frikkie Kotze
- Fuel tanks
- Gary Hodgson
- Group 5 Enza JV
- Hand Injury
- Harness Inspector
- Harold Sass
- Heidelberg
- Hennie Viljoen
- Henny Viljoen
- Hitachi Power Africa
- Hoist Operator
- HP Division Champion Award
- HP High Pressure
- I.T. at Southey
- Incident Investigation
- Induction Process
- Industrial Cleaning
- Industrial Painting
- Industrial Theatre
- Insulation
- Internal Audits
- International Standards Organisation
- Irvin Andrea
- ISO 14000
- ISO 9000-2008
- Isomolders
- Jimmy Sands
- Johan Steyn
- John Ryall
- Keith Heagies
- Kendal
- Kentz
- Kevin Slabbert
- Know Southey Staff
- Koeberg Nuclear Power Station
- Komati Power Station
- Kusile
- Kyle Nash
- Lagging
- Leap Maths and Science Schools
- Leap Science and Maths School
- Learnership
- Legal
- Legal Liability
- Level 4
- Linbro
- Long Service Award
- Lorette van der Watt
- Lorraine Lenton
- Lost Time Injury LTI
- Malcolm Mountford
- Mandatory Grant
- Manufacturing
- Mark van Eijden
- Martin Bakker
- MD's Best Employee
- Mechanics
- Medical Treatment Case MTC
- Medupi
- merSETA
- Metal Workers Strike
- Morgan Lucas
- Most difficult contract award
- Most well run contract award
- Nicci Burger
- NMPP New Multipurpose Pipeline Project
- No Bullshit Award
- non-compliance
- non-conformance
- Offshore Contracts
- Okapi
- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
- OSHA 18000
- Paint stripping agent
- panel manufacturer
- Parkhomes
- Petrochem
- Petrol tanks
- Polyurethane
- Power Generation
- Power Stations
- Pressure vessels
- Project Bravo
- Project Management
- Project News
- Project of the Year Award
- Pumps
- QP112
- Quality
- Quality Assurance
- Quality Control
- Quality Management System
- Quality Policy
- R.J. Southey Properties
- Rail Coach
- Refineries
- Ricardo Carolus
- Road Safety
- Roof Sheeting
- Roofing
- Rope Access
- Rowaydah Khan
- Rudnev
- Safe Workplace Practice SWP CHEVRON
- Safety
- Safety Management Standard
- Safety Manager
- Safety Officer
- safety representative
- Safety systems
- Sansie van Niekerk
- Scaffold Erectors
- Scaffolding
- Secunda
- senior safety officer
- Sharepoint server
- SHE Rep
- Sheeting
- Sheetmetal workshop
- Ship Repairers
- Sigma Coatings
- Skills Development Levy SDL
- South African Corrosion Institute
- Southey – DRC
- Southey Angola
- Southey Company Knowledge
- Southey Contracting
- Southey Contracting – Africa
- Southey Contracting – Cape
- Southey Durban
- Southey Gauteng
- Southey Holdings
- Southey Holdings (Pty) Ltd
- Southey in Cape Town
- Southey in Durban
- Southey in Richard's Bay
- Southey ISO 14000 EMS
- Southey ISO 9001-2008 MS
- Southey Metal Spray
- Southey Offshore
- Southey Oman
- Southey Sound Newsletter Edition 9
- Southey Sound Newsletter Editions
- Southey Staff News
- Southey Tanzania
- Southey Zambia
- SPE Automated Blasting Units
- Stacking & Storage
- Stoncor
- Sub-contractor
- Sue O'Brien
- Supervisor Generic Training
- Surface Coating
- Surface Coatings
- Surface Prepping
- Tate & Nicholson
- Tate & Nicholson Roofing BRT Stations
- Temporary Suspended Platform TSP
- Thermal Imaging
- Thermal Insulation
- Thinking out the Box Award
- Toxic Waste
- Traffic Fines
- Training
- Training Room
- TRANSNET Facility
- Trevor Kolbee
- Trudy Kritzinger
- TSA Thermal Spray Aluminium
- turbine
- UHP Ultra High Pressure
- Uncategorized
- Vacuum units
- Valchem
- Vernon Worship
- Wanda Brooks
- Wanderers Club
- Water Blasting
- Welders
- West Africa
- What is that at Southey?
- What's happening at Southey in Cape Town?
- What's Happening at Southey in Durban?
- What's happening at Southey Jameson Park?
- What's happening at Southey's Power Station Contracts?
- What's happening at Southey's Sheeting Division?
- Wilma Bam
- Wind Guards
- Witbank
- Working at Height
- Yves Le Gorjus Cup for all round excellence